Monday, August 11, 2008

Old Man River and the Canoe Dragon

It began as one might expect. 13 of us found our way to the small canoe outpost along the Buffalo River in hopes of a peaceful day on the water. The white haired lady inside the building sat near her 60 year old cash register and stack of wavers ready for the next group to sign up for fun. When she opened her mouth to speak I expected kindly words and motherly, if not grandmotherly, wisdom to flow. Instead a harsh blow whipped us all into shape and bid us find the cash or go home. Her first question to Ryan was "what have you got on yourself?" in reference to a tattoo on his shoulder. He explained the picture and as a portion of the artwork was a a dragon she immediately latched onto this and related it to herself. I spoke with her a little and tried to be respectful but she was ready and waiting to offend and insisted that she was a mean old woman who knows what she's doing and doesn't like to be questioned or corrected. Any indecision on our part was met with anger and a tongue lashing from her. This beginning makes me now wonder if she was somehow responsible for the rest of our trip.

The weather was beautiful and truthfully we had a great time for the most part. However there were a few hiccups along the way. First Kris and I flipped our canoe as a current drug us toward some hanging branches. In the front of the canoe I was preparing myself to be scratched by the fast approaching branches and soon found myself in the water instead. I was flabbergasted. I remember being more confused at the fact that I was suddenly immersed in the river than I was frustrated by the effects of the water. The real problem with this was that I had insisted it wouldn't happen. That I've never overturned and that our nervous sailors had nothing to worry about. There were four more upsets on the trip and of course they happened to those who most feared such an event. These two vowed never to go on a canoe trip again. Which makes me sad. I have had such pleasant and peaceful canoe experiences and this is all that I hoped for everyone else. I never expected to see such rough waters on a stretch of river deemed passable for canoes. The obstacles were many and the currents were swift. It was more of a cross between canoing and rafting. Very fun for those of us who are not troubled by a dip in the river, even more fun for those who avoided it. Not so much for the drenched and disappointed.

My hope is that we will find further adventures that we can all enjoy. Anyone for camping?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.